TCS Compensation Plan
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Cash Flow

TCS Cash Flow "Leverage"

One of the major keys to generating wealth is to understand leverage. Most people have been schooled into a traditional job situation where they trade a set number of hours for a set number of dollars per hour. While there is nothing inherantly wrong with that situation, it's been shown that it rarely creates wealth unless you obtain a highly skilled specialty. However, having said that, you are still at the mercy of time. A linear, non-leveraged income is not how the wealthy do it. You can only tade a set number of hours for money. Ask friends working two and three jobs to try and make ends meet. They are working on the wrong end of the leverage equation when in fact they are working for the dreams of their employer who is having them work for them thus leveraging the employer's time.

Introducing the amazing TCS leveraged affiliate structure. It accelerates the "opportunity" of your cash flow in the following ways:

  • TCS does not advertise. You are the mechanism to do this and it pays you handsomely to spread the word;

  • TCS product is education and delivered via digital formatting. This not only transcends global borders but once a product is created or licensed, the product cost to the company is fixed. This allows the company to save on reduced product manufacturing, storage, shipping and personnel costs. Then pile the saved funds into the compensation of our most valuable asset... our affiliates;
  • Another expense companies have is payroll, administrative staff 1099's etc. The sophisticated tracking system will track your sales and let your referrals know who to pay, how much and what methods you accept for the product purchase. TCS saves "normal" fees and pass it along to the affilates;
  • By having the Direct Pay system, TCS saves on merchant fees per transaction as well as diffusing risk which is always something to consider in every business. If merchant fees are an average of 3% (plus risk), TCS can run the entire system on a very tight budget and still be profitable;
  • Traditional affiliate sales give you a commission on all sales you make. Although you can earn fantastic money, there's zero leverage dong that. Thus, we have installed a team building function whereby you help your affiliates to thrive and get rewarded by receiving the first sale for each product package for each affiliate you have on your team! That includes the product sale price as well as the new member who purchased being added to your personal team. This is huge and has the potential to give you massive leverage and geometrically grow your income.

The TCS structure is not a get-rich-quick program by any means. It's a simple business structure that utilizes the technology of the day and universal business principles used by the world's most successful people.

As Wallace D. Wattles wrote in his classic book, "The Science of Getting Rich", "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.".

Thus, it's not that the super successful are any more talented than you or I. Yes, there's always an exception. However, it's that they do things in a very specific way. They are consistent and they never quit.

Retirement Planning

It's not going to be your parents' retirement - rewarded at 65 with a gold watch, a guaranteed pension, and health insurance for life. For many peoples, retiring in this new century is a mystery. Earlier generations of workers could rely on employer-provided pensions, but now many workers will need to rely on their own work-related and personal savings plus Social Security benefits. These savings have to last longer because peoples are living longer, often into their eighties and nineties.

If you are one of those people who want to plan - and are about 10 to 15 years from the day you retire - this booklet is for you. Today's (and tomorrow's) retirees may well have a new kind of retirement. With a longer and healthier life span, bikes, boats, planes, and RVs may be part of your life, because you are more likely than previous generations to be an active older American.

Retirement can be a time to explore new possibilities or to slow down and fully enjoy the life you spent your working years building—or it can be a bit of both. Regardless of your path, you want to ensure that this phase is as financially secure and satisfying as it can be—a process that ideally begins with your first job and continues even after retirement begins.

Here, I can take you expert guidance on all the elements that contribute to a good retirement: saving and investing; planning; maintaining your health; identifying activities and work to suit you; and, of course, being a savvy consumer.

Long Term Care

Long-term care involves a variety of services designed to meet a person's health or personal care needs during a short or long period of time. These services help people live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own. Most Care Provided at Home Long-term care is provided in different places by different caregivers, depending on a person's needs. Most long-term care is provided at home by unpaid family members and friends. It can also be given in a facility such as a nursing home or in the community, for example, in an adult day care center.

The most common type of long-term care is personal care -- help with everyday activities, also called 'activities of daily living.' These activities include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet, eating, and moving around -- for example, getting out of bed and into a chair.

Long-term care also includes community services such as meals, adult day care, and transportation services. These services may be provided free or for a fee.

Long-term care insurance is a type of policy which is designed to provide for the financial welfare of an individual beyond a certain period. An example of this can be seen when a common disability package is replaced with its long-term counterpart. Such a plan is commonly seen with individuals who may have chronic illnesses (such as COPD or emphysema) and those who have become physically handicapped. This insurance policy exists in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. It can be known by its acronym LTCI or simply as LTI (Long-Term Insurance).

Estate Planning

Many people believe they don't need estate planning because they think they don't have an estate. Or they think the value of their estate is not great enough to cause estate taxation, so what's the point?

With few exceptions, everyone has an estate -- even the young child with a custodial account in his name and the granddaughter who received a lovely piece of jewelry for her 16th birthday.

Bottom line: If you own something of value that you would pass on to someone else upon your death, you have an estate. Whether you know it or not, you also have an estate plan. The state has one for you free of charge (well, sort of) if you don't get around to writing a will or designing a plan of your own.

Broadly speaking, an estate plan encompasses the accumulation, conservation and distribution of an estate. A good plan will enhance and maintain the financial security of individuals and their families.

When you're developing a plan for your estate, it's important to understand your entire financial picture. That's where I`m come in. Working with your tax and legal advisors, I will help coordinate your investment strategies to help ensure that your plan reflects your wishes for your legacy.

Complete the form if you'd like to receive my three estate planning guides, which include information about the importance of having certain estate documents, maintaining beneficiary designations, and organizing your financial documents

Social Security

Social Security benefits are one of the most important parts of any retirement portfolio. A poor claiming decision can cost tens-of-thousands of dollars, while making the right decision can contribute significantly to one's financial security.

However, Social Security is a complex system. I provide the tools to help you make the best Social Security planning. My reports present not only the optimal strategy, they also provide comparisons to other strategies that may work better when your entire financial situation is taken into consideration. My reports also help you advise about little-known Social Security strategies such as 'file and suspend' and the restricted application, 'free spousal' strategy.

Your primary insurance amount, or PIA -- the benefit you would get at full retirement age -- determines the size of your monthly retirement check. According to the Social Security Administration's website, the PIA is based on the Average Indexed Monthly Earnings, or AIME, as applied to an inflation-adjusted formula. The PIA is then adjusted for whether you take retirement before or after your normal retirement age -- 66 for those now reaching retirement age, but gradually adjusted to age 67 for those born after 1960.

You can begin drawing reduced Social Security as early as 62. For every month you delay after reaching full retirement age, up to age 70, the monthly benefit increases.

According to a 2010 report of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, for someone with an AIME of $5,000 in 2010, the PIA would total $1,971.

In keeping with the original intent behind Social Security -- a way to lift seniors out of poverty -- lower-wage earners get a higher proportion of their earnings than higher-wage earners. The maximum monthly benefit that can be received in 2014 is $2,642 for a worker retiring at full retirement age.



You provide the potential to your life and business ventures. If your potential is hampered by your beliefs regarding wealth and success, then you will never rise much higher than you currently feel you're worth. It's the "Law of te Lid", according to John C. Maxwell. You must lift the lid off your potential by changing old patterns of belief and thought. If you can do this, even a little, it geometrically increases your income potential via the opportunity you are working.


The other side is the "OPPORTUNITY", is known as "The Vehicle". In this case, we offer you TCS. Combining the POTENTIAL (YOU), with the right OPPORTUNITY (TCS), you have the possibility to supercharge your financial future very quickly. TCS has the speed to pay you, maximum pay for the effort done, fantastic products and minimal fees required by TCS. These all combine to allow TCS to be a global powerhouse for anyone who wants to achieve extraordinary success.

TCS will help you understand

  • What money is and how it can benefit you;
  • How you can direct it towards you;
  • How to market and promote your skills for real sales;
  • How to create your own products and increase your value;
  • And much more.

To find out more, please download our free Newsletter:

Let’s Start Super-charging Your Financial Future Today

  • Talk

    I will talk to you and ask you some questions so I can guide you towards your ultimate goal using TCS as the vehicle. It's simple and easy but necessary so I can get to know you better.

  • Plan

    I will work with you to create a plan for you to succeed with whatever time-horizon is best for you. Consistent action on your part is key.

  • Act

    You implement your plan and take consistent action, evaluating all the way. You Plan, Do and Review all along the way knowing its part of the process.